Saturday, October 13, 2007


(*caveat* on this one ~ in case China has some sort of blacklist of email address, I would recommend using an email account that you won't use too often in China in the future, esp for buying your Olympics ticket)

Dear Beijing Olympics representative,

I am writing to let you know that I will not be purchasing tickets to
the Olympics in 2008, and will encourage others to boycott these games as
well, unless China makes a major shift on its policy in Burma. By
supporting the junta in Burma, China is supporting violations of human
rights, slaughter of innocent monks, and continued impoverishment of

These actions are in complete opposition to the spirit of the Olympic
games, which is a spirit of unity, triumph over obstacles, and teamwork.
If China cannot embody these practices in its foreign policy, then it
certainly is not fit to hold the Olympic games, and should expect a large
scale boycott from all who support freedom and human rights.


To ~
MIKE CAPUANO: (fill this out and paste the body of the email in)

Re: House Resolution 610
Dear Honorable Representative Capuano,

I write to request your support of House Resolution 610, calling for a US
boycott of the Beijing Olympics if China does not change its policy on the
the military regime in Burma. The violations of human rights, poverty of
refugees, and recent brutal slaying of some of the most peaceful, loving
humans--Buddhist monks) are inexcusable, and the international community
must react swiftly and firmly. China's reluctance to help the UN resolve
the situation, putting economic interests above the most basic human
rights for freedom, calls for a strong statement: If China will not
facilitate work toward a peaceful solution in Burma, the Beijing olympics
must be boycotted. The Olympics are meant to be a celebration of the world
and the athletic accomplishments of all countries. China clearly should
not be permitted to host an event whose unviersal symbolism would be
tarnished by China's support of a military regime guilty of human rights

Thank you for your kind consideration and for your support of freedom in


1 comment:

mgifford said...

Not sure that emailing china's going to do much good. There are alternate approaches to raising this issue with the Chinese leadership.