Monday, October 1, 2007


BURMA TEACH-IN (8:00pm - 9:00 pm, 10/2)
The new location is: Penthouse, Room 14, SOCH (Hilles Library)

Sorry for the sudden change in locations. The room we originally reserved was too small for the expected numbers.

The Teach-In will feature:
1. Short presentation of film (10 min) and background of Burma
2. Presentation by Mark McDowell, a Canadian diplomat who has met with leaders of the Burmese democratic resistance and has over 14 years of expertise on the political situation in Burma
3. Daw Aye Aye San, student activist during the 1988 revolution and former political prisoner will speak about her experiences
4. Presentation on divestment issues by Tyler Giannini, Harvard Law School Fellow who worked on the landmark Unocal Case
5. Learn what you can do to help

We will be in Claverly Common Room to direct people to the new location.

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